Explore a multitude of media, techniques, and ideas reflective of contemporary sculpture and integrated practices in a dynamic learning environment.
You will investigate diverse conceptual approaches, media, and processes through core studio and elective courses.
Sculpture at Pratt Munson is a dynamic investigation of various mediums, techniques and ideas, building a rich vocabulary to explore new concepts throughout the core studio and elective courses. Our student sculpture artists have access to the school’s wood, metal, clay, and plaster fabrication studios to develop new approaches in material usage and conceptual exploration.

Sculpture And Integrated Practices
All first-year students take the Foundation program’s core curriculum, along with required art history and liberal arts courses, and begin the fine arts major curriculum in the fall of the second year. While continuing with their required art history and general education coursework, second-year students take more focused courses in their chosen area of emphasis, whether painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture and integrated practices, or jewelry. In addition to their studio requirements, all fine arts students take a series of departmental seminars that address social, historical, and critical issues in contemporary art.
Learning Outcomes
+ Understand basic design principles with an emphasis on three-dimensional design, and the ability to apply these principles to a specific aesthetic intent;
+ Gain advanced abilities in drawing sufficient to support work in sculpture;
+ Understand the possibilities and limitations of various materials;
+Gain knowledge and skills in the use of basic tools, techniques and processes sufficient to work from concept to finished product;
+ Have functional knowledge of the historical and contemporary movements and issues in the field of sculpture;
+ Demonstrate the development of a personal expressive style in one or more sculptural media;
Careers in Sculpture
Art Exhibit Coordinator, Art Preservationist, Ceramic Artist, Curator, Custom Woodworker, Display Designer, Exhibition Designer, Exhibition Preparer, Fabricator, Foundry Worker / Welder, Furniture Designer, Metal Artist, Model Maker, Motion Picture Sculptor/Modeler, Museum Curator, Product Designer, Sculptor, Set Designer, Teacher/Instructor, Toy Designer